My blogs about my family’s surprising story will continue next week!
Today, it’s time to accept the Sunshine Blogger Award! The Sunshine Blogger Award is given BY bloggers TO bloggers who inspire positivity and creativity in the blogging community. Thank you Amber, for nominating me! Amber’s blog is The World Sees Normal. The Rules 1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog 2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you 3. Nominate 11 bloggers to receive this award, and write 11 new questions 4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your blog Amber’s Questions for Me: 1. If you could pick one person in your life to switch places with so they could feel how you feel for the day, who would it be and why!? That person would be the neurosurgeon who walked into an exam room, met me for the first time, and said, “Your pain needs to be much worse before I recommend surgery.” And I wasn’t asking for surgery! I wondered how he could assess someone’s pain level just by looking at them. 2. When you have people in your life that just can’t seem to understand you and your illness, what have you found to be the best way to explain it to them, so they understand? I rarely try to explain. It’s easier not to talk about chronic pain. 3. When you have some time just for you, do you enjoy the quiet of being alone or would you rather be with a close friend or family member? I love spending time with my best friend, John. We’ve been married for 40 years! 4. What is your all time favorite TV show? My new favorite TV show is Rise. 5. What is your guilty pleasure? Watching the Princess Bride movie, which reminds me of popcorn parties with classic movies when my children were growing up. 6. What is the most UNBELIEVABLE thing that someone in the medical profession has said to you? See my answer to #1! 7. What is the most annoying thing to you about living with a chronic illness? The fact that neuropathy, neuralgia, fibromyalgia, and advanced arthritis are forever. (My constant headache seems permanent, too.) Even so, I'm grateful for every day. 8. If you were able to have three wishes what would they be and why? Peace, health, and happiness—for all. 9. What is one activity in life that you loved doing, and have had to now give up due to your chronic illness? I refuse to give up anything, but some things like exercise and embroidery are more difficult. 10. What blog have you enjoyed writing the most and why? My blog about possibility and perspective, with or without a disability. It sums up what I learned over the decade after my daughter’s injury. 11. What is the most ridiculous comment that you have ever received on social media or as a comment on your blog? The only negative/ridiculous comment I received accused me of exploiting disability, yet the rest of that same comment showed he hadn’t read the post. I’m proud to be a lifelong disability advocate! My Nominations for the Sunshine Blogger Award: Kelly at Art & Words Amy at Amy Henry Books Maryanne at Pink Gazelle Kristen at New Dawn for Us Robin at Mentoring Matters Tsara at Autism Answers Andrea at Saving Joyfully Nancy at Exquisitely Me Enna at Cabin Twenty-Four Patricia at Free Oversea Joy at Sunkissed Scribbles My 11 Questions: What corner of the world are you from? How long have you been blogging? Why are you blogging? What do you like best about blogging? Where would you like to travel? What would you do if there was no chance of failing? Favorite season? Favorite food? Favorite music? Favorite book? Favorite quote? AND . . . NEXT WEEK ON MY BLOG: Surprises in Cambridge after NYC!
Cindy Kolbe
5/25/2018 01:00:06 pm
Thank you, Reb! I just discovered Blogger Kind. Great idea!
Cindy Kolbe
5/28/2018 05:14:31 pm
May 28, 2018, NOTE TO READERS:
5/30/2018 07:08:55 pm
Cindy Kolbe
6/3/2018 09:19:36 pm
I agree with you, Amber! ? Thanks for nominating me for the Sunshine Blogger Award!
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8/24/2022 08:54:04 am
Enjoyed reading the article above, Very interesting, and thanks for sharing!! Keep posting such informative posts.
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